Give Bangladesh’s Project Oxygen 4.0  plans to reforest Dumuria, Khulna with a mini-Sundarban of 200,000 trees. This is an investment for Bangladesh’s future, aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and a significant step toward realising SDG 13: Climate Action.


Mangroves are Bangladesh’s front-liners against climate change. As natural buffers, they can reduce the devastating effects of storm surges and landslides. Such strengthened coastal protection is vital for cyclone-prone Khulna, where these disasters have led to widespread destruction and loss of life. Project Oxygen is estimated to establish 14.63 hectares of new mangrove forest —about the size of 20 football fields — along the Khulna coast, enhancing Dumuria’s adaptive capacity to climate-related disasters, and supporting SDG 13.1.


A key element of Project Oxygen 4.0 is  the ‘Climate Graduation Program’ which creates climate-conscious communities. We are empowering local youth to become champions of climate action to foster a long-term commitment to environmental stewardship. We are also actively engaging local faith leaders and recruiting full-time personnel to ensure sustainability. These efforts align with SDG 13.3 (Build Knowledge and Capacity to Meet Climate Change).


In addition to stabilising coastlines and mitigating disaster, mangroves act as natural carbon sinks. Project Oxygen 4.0 is projected to sequester approximately 43.89 tons of carbon dioxide upon maturity. This can reduce the carbon emissions that drive climate change.


Together, we can build a sustainable future for generations to come with Project Oxygen 4.0.


To create a climate-resilient Bangladesh, you can contribute to: 


Bkash: 01404-111184 (Merchant) 

Nagad: 01779-394909 (Merchant)


Bank: 06933000780

Give Bangladesh Foundation 

Bank Asia, Satmasjid Road Branch 







